My Favorite Things: 2019

I feel like most bloggers probably put this together before the end of the year, but it literally just popped into my head the other day and I felt like I wanted to share it. That’s the thing about me and blogging… I need to just share here and there and maybe someone will find something that brightens their day.
Left to right, top to bottom, here are the things that made my 2019 a little better:
I can’t recall when I first got a pair of their trainers, but they are definitely my favorite cross-training shoe. The fun colors sell out near-immediately, but if you’re on top of their releases you can get something fun. This year, I tried their runners and I absolutely love them too. For one of the workouts I coach, BodyLab, there’s a ton of running with a ton of CrossFit style floorwork (minus the barbell), so a CrossFit running shoe really fits the mold perfectly. They run true to size and are generally awesome.
Nothing revolutionary here but I loved the graphic tee trend this year. Chaser makes super soft and fun tees that rival the pricier BING tops and bonus: these are sold at Pure Barre Mt. Lebanon, so if you’re local, you should check them out. I pair with a fun leopard skirt and the next denim jacket on our trip to Charleston and it was a hit.
This is one of the things Jeff and I differ on. I can understand why he doesn’t get why I’d want to wear a huge denim jacket but my goodness are these comfortable, great for layering, and perfect for airplane travel. So cozy and versatile.
Great for the short-legged girl like me, I love these with a high heel and a tucked in top! So comfortable and slimming. These J.Crew options were a personal favorite through the year.
I have another blog post planned about my entire Beautycounter past – but this year I rediscovered this line in particular and it blew my mind. My skin is definitely in a much, much better place than it was this time last year and I continue to be blown away, so much so, I started selling it. If you have questions, email me – I’d love to help you!
I scooped this after grabbing an inexpensive bag from Target that was missing a strap and I genuinely get more compliments on this than I have any bag I spent actual money on (though I should probably invest in a nice bag soon).
Sweatshirt and Sweatpant Sets | Top | Bottom
I’m appreciative of the fact that loungewear sets really hit their stride this year. Again, Sundry brand is usually available at Pure Barre and they make the softest, most amazing sets. Aerie has some great ones too! 
I really wish I could quit these and I didn’t even add any new ones to my collection this year, but I wear my existing sneaks almost every day. If I was to add to my collection… this would be my next pair.
Again, nothing monumental here, but I recently lost my black pair of these behind a drawer and it threw off my whole week. That’s how you know you’re addicted to a pair of black leggings. These allow you to get super sweaty and not feel super disgusting, so I’ll take it!
I love that you can toss on the most simple outfit and then throw one of these (super cheap) headbands in and you immediately look like you tried.
I use this most days. If you have a kid or a dog, it’s worth the investment. We actually installed an outlet in our front closet specifically for this bad boy.
Again, nothing remarkable here. But I think these give me and Georgia a little extra leeway as it pertains to dirty hair. That way neither of us require nightly blowouts!
I got it in my head like last week that I wanted a long sherpa jacket but given the trendiness of the item I really didn’t want to break the bank. I checked on Amazon and found this and while I wouldn’t call it heavy enough to be a coat, it’s an awesome cardigan on more moderately cool days. The color is fun too.
I bought a few of these over the course of the last year and they’ve easily become my favorite workout tank. They’re lightweight and stretchy and great for those with a smaller chest. Perfect with a high-waisted legging. Tons of Beyond Yoga at Pure Barre Mt. Lebanon!
Forever including paper goods in my lists. I love a to-do list. I tend to over list and then ultimately disappoint myself but this is a happy notepad that makes things fun! Rifle Paper Co will forever be one of my favorites.
So there you have it, what’s your #1 favorite item from 2019? I’m sure I’m forgetting a few!!