My Everyday Smoothie

Are you a big fan of Bravo’s “Southern Charm”? I honestly wasn’t, but given my family’s love for the city of Charleston and the need for mindless TV I’ve become completely obsessed in the past few years. I follow Naomie on Instagram and about a year ago, she posted about something called Blender Bombs. Being the social media believer/creep I am, I immediately bought a bag of them and now I have one in a smoothie five days a week. Totally ridiculous that I don’t get sick of them? Probably, but I look forward to my BB smoothie every single day. If you know me personally or have followed me on Instagram, you know how totally in love I am!

Now, my smoothie isn’t the MOST healthy. Hushup + Hustle has tons of awesome, healthy recipes on her site you can try! I have this smoothie Monday-Friday for lunch and it keeps me totally satisfied until dinner, so I’m calling that a win!


  • 1 Cacao + Peanut Butter Blender Bomb
  • 1/2 Frozen Banana
  • 1 tbsp Lowfat Vanilla Yogurt (be mindful of the sugar added)
  • 1 tbsp Creamy Peanut Butter
  • 1 cup nut milk (or water)
  • handful of ice
  • handful of spinach

Blend together and enjoy! I’ve also halved the water or nut milk to 1/2 cup and added a 1/2 cup cold brew coffee if you need some afternoon caffeine! Here’s our blender, too. We’ve had it for over a year without any complaints!

Do you have a go-to smoothie recipe you love? Share it with me in the comments or on Instagram!